A gyrocopter is an aircraft, which, just as the helicopter, uses a rotor to fly, rather than wings. The difference consists in the rotor propulsion. Whereas the engine drives the helicopter rotor, the gyrocopter rotor is driven merely by the wind. The propulsion is accomplished by a propeller just like a normal airplane.
Gyrocopter is generally considered as the safest way to fly, since it can land on a very short strip. It is also very tolerant to strong winds and turbulence, which means that you can fly under almost any conditions. Limited visibility and thunder are the only factors to stop you.
The gyrocopters used in Costa Rica have two seats. You sit outside in the open air, so you have an unmatched view and feeling of freedom. Since neither windows nor wings will cover the view, you’ll have brilliant photo opportunities.
Sámara: +506 8828 1000
Tamarindo: +506 8828-1000